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We are
RTNF Consulting

We are
RTNF Consulting

If you want it, we can probably do it…

If you want it, we can probably do it…

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We are
RTNF Consulting

If you want it, we can probably do it…

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We are
RTNF Consulting

If you want it, we can probably do it…

Trusted by

The A-Team

Teo Calin - CTO

Teo Tataru - Software Dev

Andrei Marin - Software Dev



Below is what we can do for you

Below is what we can do for you

Leave the Design, Software and DevOps to us.

Leave the Design, Software and DevOps to us.

Leave the Design, Software and DevOps to us.

We offer highly specialised custom solutions for your, or your team's issues. We can help you develop your software from ideation process to deployment and continuous integration.

We offer highly specialised custom solutions for your, or your team's issues. We can help you develop your software from ideation process to deployment and continuous integration.

We offer highly specialised custom solutions for your, or your team's issues. We can help you develop your software from ideation process to deployment and continuous integration.

What can we do?

What can we do?

What can we do?

iOS Development

We can develop your iOS applications with Native and Hybrid frameworks.

Android Development

We can create your Android apps with Hybrid Frameworks such as Flutter or React Native.

Design and Planning

We can design and plan your software according to your requirements.

Web Development

We can create a really nice website for you according to your requirements.

Hyper-Specialised Backend

We can solve your internal issues with custom ERPs, Admin Dashboards and other internal tools for you and your teams.

ML/AI Development

We can create specialised ML integrations or custom solutions for your application. From specification, to inference.

Your Application is Safe
with us

Our expertise extends to crafting NIS2, CCPA, GDPR, NIS, and HIPPA compliant software and applications.

We can provide any
deployment environment

Our team can collaborate on Azure, GCP, AWS, or whichever cloud platform you prefer. In fact, should you require it, we even have proprietary DataRoom located deep in the Romanian countryside, in the Carpathian Mountains.

Protection, Virtual, In-house, we've got everything covered!

Our expertise lies in providing bespoke solutions tailored to your unique needs. We cater to virtually any requirement whether it's Cloud, On-Site, secure, non-secure, you name it.

Choose us for your hyper-specialised software needs.

Our Tiny, yet Powerful DataRoom

Our Tiny, yet
Powerful DataRoom

At need, we can provide hosting free of charge,
given that your project is developed with us.

At need, we can provide hosting free of charge, given that your project is developed with us.


Up to 256vCores of Skylake-Based Xeon Cores avaialble for VMs. Up to 8TB of DDR4 RAM and close to 1PB of storage available for your applications.


On-Site CCTV, Security Systems and alarms, all to protect your precious data. Entrance in the DataRoom is supplied by UniFi Access Control.

High Throughput

We have direct fiber connections assuring up to 25Gbps throughput from our DataRoom to the world wide web.

High Redundancy

Battery backup is available for short-term power-outages and a Diesel Generator is available for longer-term power outages.

High Redundancy

Battery backup is available for short-term power-outages and a Diesel Generator is available for longer-term power outages.

Current Inventory

Current Inventory

DL380 - Generation 10

DL580 - Generation 10

NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin

Ready to start?

Schedule a meeting with us via the Calendly Form below


How can we work with you?

You can schedule a meeting with us via the form available above. Or, if you want, you can send an email to Teo, via [email protected].

How does the process work?

Well, depending on the project at hand there may be multiple processes. Usually it goes something like this. We have a couple of meetings, in order to clearly define the requirements and use-case. These may be either in-person, or online. After we understand the processes profoundly, we start the design phase, both in terms of graphical design but also in terms of architectural design for the application. This is the phase where we define most of the properties of your software. After that we enter the execution phase, in which our team carefully implements all of the requirements. And, finally, deployment and CI/CD, where we handle(if needed) the hosting and proper functioning of your application. Some of the steps are optional, but again, if you need any more information regarding our processes, you can email Teo at [email protected].

How long does it take?

Depending on the workload of our team, for small projects(like websites for marketing purposes or e-commerce), it can take anywhere between 4-6 weeks. For medium-sized projects(like a mobile application with a simple management dashboard) it can take anywhere up to 4 months. And for large and very large projects(like custom ERPs, custom ML implementations) it may take even 1 year. These timeframes are orientative and it can be different for each project.

What are the development costs?

Depending on the project at hand, we can negociate specific terms regarding the payment plans and costs. These factors vary from project to project since no application/software is the same, and it rarely happens for the difficulty of implementation to be similar. Usually the costs can be predicted at the design phase, before we actually start development. Up to that point there are no costs for you, everything is on us. So, if you decide that the costs and course of action is favourable for you, we can continue working together. For more information you can schedule a call with us via the form above.

Our Partners

Our Collective Certifications

RTNF Consulting Division

Copyright © 2024 RT and Friends GROUP S.L.

Registered in the Canary Islands

Our Partners

Our Collective Certifications

RTNF Consulting Division

Copyright © 2024 RT and Friends GROUP S.L.

Registered in the Canary Islands

Our Partners

Our Collective Certifications

RTNF Consulting Division

Copyright © 2024 RT and Friends GROUP S.L.

Registered in the Canary Islands